Palo Alto College
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Palo Alto College

Palo Alto College, has been a pillar of the Southside community and remains committed to offering high-quality education to the community. Originally founded in 1985 for the purpose of offering higher education to citizens of southern San Antonio, it has spent 30 years serving more than 100,000 individuals throughout San Antonio, Bexar County, and neighboring counties. With thousands of graduates, the college continues to provide affordable education, services, and tools that ensure success. Students from Palo Alto College are prepared to transfer to a four-year university or to proceed to the workplace. It provides a range of two-year Associate Degree programs that can lead directly to the workforce or be used for the transfer to a university.

The College also provides short-term job training through credential programs that lead directly to the workforce. Palo Alto College is conveniently located less than 15 minutes from downtown San Antonio on I-410 South and Highway 16 South. The campus serves as a venue for VITA volunteers to help low-income residents file their i... Read more

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Average for all Graduate Programs$26,000
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.