North Seattle College
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North Seattle College

Founded in 1970, North Seattle College offers learning opportunities to a diverse community of more than 14,000 students each year. Good academic training and consultancy programs, small classes, an advanced integrated curriculum, large e-learning opportunities, and a number of collaborations with four-year schools lead to student success. The College also offers three Bachelor of Applied Science degrees in Application Development, Early Childhood Education, and International Business and All-In-October Associate Arts and Business Graduate Programs. North Seattle College also offers excellent career training in more than 60 certification programs, including emerging fields such as nanotechnology, renewable and conventional energy, and control technology.

In addition, the college also helps students earn their GED, learn English, develop their basic skills, and/or explore new skills or personal interests. The faculty members of the North are well prepared to share their expertise. Ninety percent of the full-time faculty holds a master's degree or higher. North Seattle Col... Read more

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Average for all Programs$30,000
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.