Clarkson University
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Clarkson University

Clarkson University is a nationally ranked research university and an institution of choice for more than 3,800 enterprising, highly skilled scholars of diverse backgrounds who take on the challenge and excel in a rigorous, highly collaborative learning environment. The university brings value to student education by working with leading organizations, industries, and thought leaders to bring relevance to the problems and needs of a global world in which the borders of expertise, discipline, nations, and cultures blur.

Clarkson inspires students to question the status quo, push the boundaries of what is understood, and apply their creativity to the creation of new solutions to real-world problems. For more than 100 years, graduates have achieved exceptional professional achievement, risen to social challenges, and advanced the global economy ethically and responsibly. Of its 38,000 graduates, one in five is a CEO, a senior executive, or a business member.

The University offers over 95 programs in the engineering, business, arts, sciences, education, and health pr... Read more

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International Students
Acceptance Rate
Student/Faculty Ratio
Male/Female Ratio
Average Tuition Fee Per Academic Year
Average Cost of Living
Application Fee
Alumni Starting Salaries
Specializations/Levels Median Starting Salary
Business Administration, Management and Operations$64,000
Entrepreneurial Studies$57,000
Communication and Media Studies$47,000
Computer Engineering (CE)$75,000
Chemical Engineering$71,000
Electrical Engineering (EE)$71,000
Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering$71,000
Industrial Engineering (IE)$67,000
Mechanical Engineering (ME)$66,000
Civil Engineering$59,000
Environmental Engineering$56,000
Cost of Living
Average Cost

Daily Life
These are the approx. & quarterly expenses that need to be incurred under various heads that are mentioned above.
Specific entry requirements vary basis the subject area, level and course. You can get in touch with our admission counselors for a detailed discussion and understanding of requirements for the courses of your choice. Just share your details and we will reach out to you for a FREE session.
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.