Saskatchewan Polytechnic
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Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is located in Saskatchewan, Canada. International students from all over the world study at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, either on-campus or online. The institution has campuses in Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, and Regina and is a part of Polytechnics Canada along with 12 other research-intensive, industry-responsive institutions. Students can select from undergraduate/postgraduate degrees and diplomas, which are devised to improve the economic and public sectors. They are offered industry expertise and are shown how to develop business skills. Ninety-three percent of students said they were 'satisfied to very satisfied' with their programs' condition.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to supporting its international students. There are several scholarships and bursaries presented per year, totaling over CAD 2 million. The international student advisor team supports learners throughout their studies, assisting with academic, language, and personal needs. Students can pick from homestays, residential, or private housing for accom... Read more

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Cost of Living
Average Cost

Daily Life
These are the approx. & quarterly expenses that need to be incurred under various heads that are mentioned above.
Specific entry requirements vary basis the subject area, level and course. You can get in touch with our admission counselors for a detailed discussion and understanding of requirements for the courses of your choice. Just share your details and we will reach out to you for a FREE session.
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.