Langara College
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Langara College

Langara College helps students find their way by offering a wide range of education and career resources to more than 23,000 students each year. Located in Vancouver, one of the liveliest cities in the world, students benefit from the events and attractions of a major city with stunning natural landscapes of the mountains and the western coast. The College offers over 1,700 courses in more than 130 programs. This includes more than 70 career programs that give students practical skills to work and learn in preparation for a new career.

The diversity of academic offerings enables students and graduates to select their own educational paths and to achieve their academic and personal goals. As a public post-secondary institution designated as a Learning Institution (DLI), students are entitled to take advantage of off-campus and post-graduate job opportunities through the Government of Canada Post-graduate Work Permit Scheme (PGWP).

The College is one of Canada's leading university transfer institutions, allowing students to begin in Langara and complete a bachel... Read more

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All the currency figures mentioned on this page are in Canadian dollars (CAD).
International Students
Acceptance Rate
Student/Faculty Ratio
Male/Female Ratio
Average Tuition Fee Per Academic Year
Average Cost of Living
Application Fee
Alumni Starting Salaries
Specializations/Levels Median Starting Salary
Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting$66,000
Post Graduate Diploma in Data Analytics$84,000
Cost of Living
Average Cost

Daily Life
These are the approx. & quarterly expenses that need to be incurred under various heads that are mentioned above.
Specific entry requirements vary basis the subject area, level and course. You can get in touch with our admission counselors for a detailed discussion and understanding of requirements for the courses of your choice. Just share your details and we will reach out to you for a FREE session.
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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.