Centre of English Studies Toronto
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Centre of English Studies Toronto

Established in 1979, the Center for English Studies (CES) is a family-run, award-winning English Language School with 8 year-round centers in Dublin, Toronto (new in 2018) Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Leeds, Worthing, and Harrogate.

CES Toronto specializes in General English, Academic English, Business English, IELTS Preparation, Cambridge FCE and CAE Test Preparation, and an outstanding Teen Activity Preparation. Teachers teach students grammar structures and vocabulary in a way that makes it simple and enjoyable to develop their level of English.

Classes encourage the development of all communication skills, with a special emphasis on speaking. Located on the trendy Bloor Street in Toronto's Yorkville neighborhood. CES Toronto is situated at 180 Bloor Street West. The school is spread over three floors of this impressive building and has many amenities, including classrooms, student lounges, a pool table, a ping-pong area, free internet access, and a wireless network, snack machines, etc.

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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.