Algoma University
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Algoma University

Founded in 1965 as Algoma College, Algoma University was initially a subsidiary of Laurentian University in Sudbury. In 1967, Algoma College started offering classes in a portable building located at Cambrian College, now Sault College. The college relocated to its current site, the former Shingwauk Residential School Building, in 1971. Algoma University was granted its charter in 2008 and gained full autonomous university status as the 19th University of Ontario with a charter.

Algoma University currently offers over 30 academic programs in a wide variety of fields and across three faculties, i.e. Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty of Humanities. The university may be small, but Algoma University has the most diverse campus in Ontario. The campus is enriched by foreign students from over 30 countries, making up 27 percent of its student body. The university prides itself on providing international students with the best learning experience known as the Algoma Advantage, offering small class sizes, one-on-one connections with their devoted profes... Read more

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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.