Melbourne Polytechnic
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Melbourne Polytechnic

In Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Polytechnic provides over 80 technical courses spread across seven campuses and three training centers. The university is one of the largest providers of higher education in Australia and accepts students from over 70 nations around the world.

Melbourne Polytechnic has also won the Premier's Award for Excellence in International Education from the Victorian Government. Across its campuses, Melbourne Polytechnic provides an impressive variety of facilities that provide real-life working conditions. These include a hairdresser on location, a garden center, recording studios, a childcare center, a performance theater, training restaurants, and even an award-winning wine cellar.

There are also seven well-stocked libraries and a wellness center with a fully equipped gym situated on the Preston campus. At Melbourne Polytechnic, students receive an immense amount of instruction. Dedicated programs provide assistance for disabled students, housing information, a confidential counseling team, and specific international student support.... Read more

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*All the data points mentioned above are approx. figures and has been collated from various sources based on the data of 2019-2020.