
What Is the GMAT? Key Questions, Answered

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer adaptive test intended to evaluate certain quantitative, analytical, verbal, writing and reading skills for use in admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA. GMAT requires knowledge of certain specific grammar and knowledge of algebra, geometry, and arithmetic.


What Kind of Questions are on the GMAT?

The GMAT Has Four Sections:

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment – This section measures your ability to think critically.
  2. Integrated Reasoning – This section measures your ability to analyze data and evaluate information presented in multiple formats.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning – This section measures your ability to analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skills
  4. Verbal Reasoning – This section measures your ability to read and understand written material, evaluate arguments, and correct written material to conform to standard written English.


Can You Go Back to the Questions on the GMAT?

No, you cannot go back to the earlier questions on the GMAT.


What Can I Bring to the GMAT Exam?

#1: A Valid GMAT Approved Photo ID

#2: Names of the Five MBA Programs where you want to send your scores

#3: Appointment Confirmation Letter or Email

#4: Something to eat or drink (but that will go into the locker and you can have it during the break)


Is GMAT Hard?

The average score on the GMAT (the numerical mean of everyone who takes the test) is 565. Only approximately 28% of GMAT takers score over 650, and only 12% cross that magical 700 threshold. If you regularly flub standardized tests, then acing the GMAT will be a bit more difficult.


Which is Easier, GMAT or GRE?

The GMAT Math is certainly more daunting. So if you struggle with Quant the GMAT will seem very challenging. On the other hand, if you struggle with the nuances of vocabulary, the GRE verbal section may be very hard. That is not to say that the GMAT verbal is easier.


Do You Get a Calculator for the GMAT?

No, you are not allowed to bring a calculator for the GMAT. A calculator will be provided for use during the Integrated Reasoning section only. Also, calculators are not permitted during the Quantitative section of the GMAT. You will be provided with markers and note boards to work out your calculations on the Quantitative section if you take the test at the test center. If you are taking the GMAT Online at home, you will have the option to use physical whiteboard, dry erase marker, and eraser OR the Online Whiteboard.


Should You Skip Questions on the GMAT?

You cannot skip a question on the GMAT. You can only leave question(s) unattempted at the end of the test but that will lead to a heavy penalty. However, if you do not know the answer to a question, it is better to make a guess and move on.

Related Blog: How To Prepare For GMAT: Crucial Tips To Ace Your Exam


What Is the Validity of GMAT Scores?

GMAT scores are valid for 5 years from the date you took the test. You can sign in to your account at MBA.com to see any GMAT scores that you accepted in the past 5 years.


How Long Does it Take to Prepare for the GMAT?

Remember, studying for the GMAT takes time. Plan to spend about 2 to 3 months and about 100–120 hours reviewing material and practicing regularly. Do you know? The top scorers on the GMAT spend over 120 hours, on average, studying and practicing for the GMAT over a period of time.

In continuation, you should read some of our other articles, like this one on Top GMAT Tips to Follow on Test Day to supplement your use of these important factors!

By Sweena Karnani, Senior Editor

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