The IVY-LEAGUE Universities are eight traditional and distinguished universities located in the Eastern Coast of America; they are known for their ivy-covered brick buildings. As per popular belief, Ivy League schools are placed so owing to their elite status, it is basically for the athletic conference to which all these schools belong make them remain clubbed together (This is why Stanford in spite of being the member of the Pac-12 Conference does not belong to the same league).
The institutions that come under the league are:
• Columbia
• Cornell
• Brown
• Harvard
• Princeton
• Yale
• Dartmouth
• University of Pennsylvania
There are many reasons why IVY-LEAGUE Universities prioritize over others for graduate and undergraduate studies. First, these colleges display huge resources and excellent infrastructure which will make your study and stay at these places a worthwhile experience. Secondly, they serve students to develop their professional career in the best possible way. These Ivy League definitely dominates in the fields like Medicine, Law, Business and Engineering. Getting degrees from these universities will definitely open umpteen career doors in the future. At the same time this should be taken under consideration that these universities are some of the costliest, with tuition rates ranging between $55000 and $60000 every year. Nonetheless, these universities offer lucrative scholarships to qualified and deserving students.
According to The National Association for College Admission Counseling, for getting into Ivy one needs to have great academic scores and stellar test scores. Besides, the students need to have right documents with interestingly written essays, which will further boost their profile. Although the number of applicants for these schools has mounted drastically, the enrollment ratio has been the same, which means the acceptance rate has been reduced with time.