We all know that the SAT® does not test as much vocabulary as it once did. However, having a strong vocabulary will get you better SAT scores. The SAT vocabulary contains at least 10–15 words that an average student may not know and the challenge lie in answering such questions correctly!
You might already know that the SAT underwent a major change in March 2016. Prior to the re-design, the SAT had questions (called Sentence Completions) that explicitly tested difficult vocabulary words.
The Sentence completions may be gone from the new test format of the SAT but the truth is you still need a very strong vocabulary to score well on the SAT. You will still, find difficult questions on the SAT while solving the Reading passages, questions, and answer choices, and if you don’t know these words, you will probably struggle.
Students may be more familiar with some of the vocabulary tested on the SAT than in past iterations of the test, but you will need to know multiple definitions of those words. Here are some simple ways to build up your vocabulary before your SAT test date.
Now, prepping for the SAT does not mean that you don’t need to memorize the long list of words, however, having an SAT prep a book can help you find out what is important and will help you understand the vocabulary better.
Read, read and read. Remember, the more you read, the more you learn and the more strong vocabulary is. Reading not only brings you into contact with new words, but it also forces you to figure out what those new words mean.
Observing people to learn new words is convenient- you only need to pay attention to what and how they are saying. This might help you to learn new words easily; however, it needs to be done cautiously, because you will not know whether they are using the word correctly or not. And that is when you need to follow a dictionary.
If you find it difficult to remember heavy vocabulary then try writing down. The physical act of writing can plant the information more firmly in your mind.
Learn using the flashcards. You must have used the flashcards to study for some of your high school classes already. Try out using index cards or you can also make your own flashcards for improving SAT vocabulary.
If this article has helped you plan ahead for the SAT exams 2020, be sure to share it to help others who might be looking to take the exams.
Good Luck!
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