Reasoning questions hold the most sectional marks in any competitive exam. Because it is the test of aptitude, which is judged to test your ability to handle a complex situation. But students always seem stuck and panicked to solve the logical reasoning questions in time.
Several well-known sites offer free or paid practice tests, for ex Manya the Princeton review provides GRE free online practice exam test, and also for GMAT & SAT free online practice exam test. That is why we are sharing some unknown study tips for exams that will help you to clear types of reasoning questions in the exams.
In competitive exams, reasoning questions are of two categories, Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning. Logical reasoning is further divided into to categories:
This category contains topics such as counting the number of figures in a complex figure and other percentage-based issues. This reasoning category examines the student’s ability to solve difficult problems by analysis of the issue.
Though it can be difficult to assign a question to a specific category, picture or diagram-related reasoning questions are usually classified as non-verbal reasoning, core logic and deduction questions are classified as logical reasoning, and blood relations questions, seating arrangement questions, and other questions can be classified as both verbal and analytical reasoning.
Reasoning questions and related sections can be found on GRE, GMAT, SAT, MBA entrance tests such as the CAT 2020, NTSE, SCRA exam, AFCAT Exam, SSC CGL, AMCAT, RBI, Railway Recruitment exams, LIC, and IBPS.
These types of reasoning questions put your logical reasoning to the test by pushing you to come up with a solution from a set of options. Number sequences, symbol sequences, making judgments, letter sequences, matching definitions, analogies, and so on are examples of logical reasoning questions. These questions are simple to answer if you know the correct methods.
Verbal Reasoning questions make the student think about his vocabulary knowledge and draw conclusions based on their understanding of words and ideas. Classification, analogy, blood relation, direction sense test, logical Venn diagrams, coding-decoding, symbols and notations, situation-reaction tests, statements and assumptions, ranking, and so on are some common issues. When you start practicing these questions, they become a lot more exciting.
Non-Verbal Reasoning is a type of reasoning that does not use words. Questions with numbers and words are included in the Non-Verbal Reasoning questions. The question displays a set of figures in a certain order. Classification, water images, mirror images, and identifying the missing figure in one entire figure is among the nonverbal reasoning questions.
With the appropriate concepts, tactics, and strategy, any aspirant may quickly solve puzzles in a short amount of time and obtain high scores. To improve your ability to answer these questions, take an online puzzle quiz. Sudoku, Number Puzzles, Clocks, Playing Cards, and Clock-Related Questions are all examples of puzzles.
Data sufficiency requires a basic understanding of mathematics, either directly or indirectly. The applicants must analyze the given statements and determine whether they are sufficient to answer the problem.
Tabulation, Bar Graph, Pie Chart, and Line Graph are examples of Data Interpretation. Calculations must be rapid and exact for these types of questions, which requires a lot of practice. Learn about figures and try to form conclusions.
By reading this article you already get an overview of types of reasoning questions. now, the exam tips and tricks that help you to clear every competitive examination, reasoning section without making any hard effort whether in GRE, GMAT or SAT or other upcoming competitive exams 2021 like UPSC, Bank etc.
Let’s understand the tips, in brief, by using these tips you are able to understand the different types of reasoning questions in minutes and able to complete them within a second.
Reading the questions carefully is the first step, try to understand what the questions want by keeping a keen eye on the question’s pattern carefully. Pay close attention to the reasoning questions.
The answer to the question is usually right in front of you, but the barrier of language and words leads you in the wrong direction. To avoid wasting valuable time on small formulas, read all the questions carefully before answering them.
Keep the greatest resources close at hand. Materials that reflect the most recent syllabus are essential when studying for competitive exams. It not only helps you plan your preparations, but it also allows you to work on your strong and weak points.
Do not rely on previous knowledge or information. Questions based on logic and word problems are frequently based on assumptions and are not precisely based on real-life events. One out of every five questions may contain a few terminology or triggers that you should be familiar with in order to get to your answers fast.
After you’re done with finding the pattern, you need to connect the dots. The dots could be missing dots, discovery dots, etc. connecting those, and you will understand the format of the reasoning questions. The logical reasoning questions are just missing links which are presented in a riddle form.
You have the dots because of the pattern now the last step is to take a final check. Before submitting your answer, be sure that the answer matches the question of want. Unlike an online practice test, you get a second chance to retake the questions.
The reasoning section carries a lot of marks sectional-wise in any exam. Because it measures the aptitude level of the candidate’s ability to perform in a complex situation. Thus, you have to practice a lot to crack the type of reasoning questions whether it’s for GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc., or any other government competitive exams like UPSC, Banks exam, etc.
Follow the above tips and ace your reasoning section with full marks. To get an idea about your marks, you can do free test prep and work more on those sections which are not easy to understand. Hope this article will help you to get into your dream university or job.
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Book your Free Counselling Session now!Reasoning questions often fall into one of two categories: verbal or nonverbal reasoning, or logical or analytical thinking. Though it can be difficult to assign a question to a specific category, picture or diagram-related questions are usually classified as non-verbal, core logic and deduction questions are classified as logical reasoning, and blood relations questions, seating arrangement questions, and other questions can be classified as both verbal and analytical reasoning.
Types of questions asked in Logical reasoning:
Play Sudoku or chess, which helps you to increase your memory power. Start by reading some strong literature books that help you get vocabulary power. The logical reasoning questions are similar to a game with a big logic or problem-solving component.
Four types of reasoning:
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