
CGPA to Percentage: How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?


CGPA, GP and % are all methods of grading in the education system. They are basically used to assess the academic achievement of a student. Most of the universities and institutions project the exam results in CGPA format in contrast to the aggregate score. It is becoming more relevant day by day since many international universities, institutions, and companies ask for the CGPA score for study abroad as well as employment. While applying for higher studies abroad or employment, students are required to convert CGPA to percentage or vice-versa.

What is CGPA?

We all have heard of the term ‘CGPA’- Cumulative Grade Point Average at least once in our lifetime. It is the average grade point which is calculated using students’ grades across all subjects. Each grade received by a student is given a grade point value in the range of 0 to 4 or 0 to 10, depending on the institution’s grading system. For example, an “A” grade may be allocated a grade point of 4, but a “B” grade would be assigned a grade point of 3. The CGPA is then computed by adding the grade scores for all courses taken and dividing the total number of courses taken.

The CGPA tool is used by many educational systems worldwide, most notably in higher education institutions. It is a measure of a student’s academic performance and is commonly used to establish academic status, scholarships and other forms of recognition.

Understanding CGPA and Percentage

Both the percentage and the CGPA are measures of academic success, but they are expressed differently. The percentage is a simple representation of a student’s marks in a particular course or test, while the CGPA is a weighted average of a student’s grade points earned in all courses completed during a specified period. While the CGPA is widely used in many educational institutions, some employers or institutions of higher learning may prefer to see academic success reported in percentage terms because the percentage is a more well-known and basic academic accomplishment metric commonly used worldwide.

Comparing academic accomplishments across various school systems and grading schemes is also made easier by converting CGPA to percentage. Furthermore, it provides a standardized way to characterize academic achievement, which is helpful for applications for jobs or admission to universities that need a standardized evaluation of academic achievement. Additionally, converting CGPA to percentage can determine whether a student satisfies any minimal percentage requirements for admission to higher education institutions or employment possibilities in specific situations.

Difference between CGPA and Percentage

Let us look at the table given below to understand which is better CGPA or Percentage

CGPA Percentage
It is the average of GPA. Average scores of individual subjects.
CBSE and various universities use it to grade students. Not followed by many educational institutes.
Good for healthy competition. Challenges students.
Shows a comprehensive understanding of the student’s performance throughout the year. Simple grading system.
Easy conversion from CGPA to percentage. Complex calculations are required to obtain the percentage.


CGPA to Percentage Table

CGPA Percentage CGPA Percentage CGPA Percentage
10.0 95% 8.3 78.85% 6.6 62.70%
9.9 94.05% 8.2 77.90% 6.5 61.75%
9.8 93.10% 8.1 76.95% 6.4 60.80%
9.7 92.15% 8.0 76% 6.3 59.85%
9.6 91.20% 7.9 75.05% 6.2 58.90%
9.5 90.25% 7.8 74.10% 6.1 57.95%
9.4 89.30% 7.7 73.15% 6.0 57%
9.3 88.35% 7.6 72.20% 5.9 56.05%
9.2 87.40% 7.5 71.25% 5.8 55.10%
9.1 86.45% 7.4 70.30% 5.7 54.15%
9.0 85.50% 7.3 69.35% 5.6 53.20%
8.9 84.55% 7.2 68.40% 5.5 52.25%
8.8 83.60% 7.1 67.45% 5.4 51.30%
8.7 82.65% 7.0 66.50% 5.3 50.35%
8.6 81.70% 6.9 65.55% 5.2 49.40%
8.5 80.75% 6.8 64.60% 5.1 48.45%
8.4 79.80% 6.7 63.65% 5.0 47.50%
4.9 46.55% 3.8 36.10% 3.1 29.45%
4.8 45.60% 3.7 35.15% 3.0 28.50%
4.7 44.65% 3.6 34.20%
4.6 43.70% 3.5 33.25%
4.5 42.75% 3.4 32.30%
4.4 41.80% 3.3 31.35%
4.3 40.85% 3.2 30.40%
4.2 39.90% 3.1 29.45%
4.1 38.95% 3.0 28.50%
4.0 38% 38% 38%


How do We Convert CGPA to Percentage?

Please Follow the Step-by-Step Conversion Process to Convert your CGPA to Percentage:

  1. Add the grade points for all subjects
  2. Divide the total GP (grade points) by the number of subjects
  3. Multiply the number by 9.5 to get an equivalent percentage
  4. To get a subject-wise percentage, multiply the grade points of each subject by 9.5
  5. To get the overall percentage, multiply your CGPA by 9.5

CGPA to Percentage Formula: CGPA* 9.5= Percentage

For example- A student with a CGPA of 7.9 can get the overall percentage by using simple calculations.

CGPA to Percentage = 9.5* 7.9 which brings the percentage to 75.05 %

Note: We must keep in mind that different educational institutions may use different conversion factors. For suitable conversion, check with your university or consult their official conversion guidelines.

Variations Based on Different Education Systems or Institutions

  • CBSE: Convert CGPA to Percentage

Students who have completed their exams for classes 10 or 12 can benefit from using the CBSE CGPA to Percentage calculator. The student’s CGPA is converted to a percentage using the CBSE CGPA to % calculator, which is based on the 10.0 CGPA scale used by the CBSE.

  • GTU Calculator: Convert CGPA to Percentage

Gujarat Technological University has devised a comprehensive conversion standard for determining a person’s percentage from CGPA/CPI/SPI. Students at GTU can use the following CGPA to percentage formula: (CGPA/SPI/CPI – 0.5) * 10 = Percentage

  • VTU Calculator: Convert CGPA to Percentage

Students at Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) can use the following CGPA conversion formula to get their percentage: 10 * [CGPA – 0.75] = Percentage

  • Delhi University: Convert CGPA to Percentage

On January 11, 2018, Delhi University officially announced the adoption of a uniform method for converting CGPA to %. Here is the formula for computing % from CGPA for DU students: Total Percentage = 9.5 x CGPA for the semester

  • Mumbai University: Convert CGPA to Percentage

The CGPA to percentage conversion process at Mumbai University was recently updated in 2018 and now includes multiple-point scales for various majors. The following are MU’s principal recommendations: Programs in the arts, commerce, pure sciences, and related fields are graded on a 7-point scale. The “actual marks” of the student are determined as a percentage. In engineering, the 10 Point Grading System is used to convert CGPA to Percentage. It looks like this: % equals 7.25 * CGPA + 11

  • KTU Calculator: Convert CGPA to Percentage

The calculation method used by KTU is also very straightforward because it provides a precise formula for computing CGPA and then converts it to a percentage.

Take CGPA = (Ci*GPi)/(Ci) as an example.

Ci = A credit assigned to a certain course

GPi is the course’s grade point average.

After that, you can easily get the percentage by multiplying the CGPA by 9.5.

Grade to CGPA and Percentage Calculator

Select Grade scored for each subject

CGPA Final

Final Percentage

Directly Calculate



Provide an embedded or linked CGPA calculator tool.

  1. Enter your CGPA into the calculator
  2. Select the appropriate grading scale
  3. Click the calculate percentage button
  4. View Your Percentage

Interpreting the Results:

  1. The percentage that has been computed using the entered CGPA and the chosen grading scale will be shown by the tool.
  2. Based on the selected grading scheme, an estimate is shown in the resultant percentage.

Scenarios where the formula might vary and how to adjust calculations accordingly:

As mentioned above, there will be slight variations depending on the institution you are applying to. Let us look at some examples:

  • CBSE: CGPA * 9.5 equals the percentage.

For instance, if your CGPA is 8.2, then upon using the conversion formula (8.2 * 9.5), we get 77.9%

  • VTU: (CGPA – 0.75) * 10 equals the Percentage

For instance, if your CGPA is 8.2, then upon using the conversion formula, we get 74.5 %

  • Mumbai University:

For Engineering: (CGPA * 7.1) + 11 equals the percentage

For instance, if your CGPA is 8.2, then upon using the conversion formula (8.2 * 9.5), we get 69.22%

For Streams: (CGPA * 9.5) + 11 equals the percentage

For instance, if your CGPA is 8.2, then upon using the conversion formula (8.2 * 9.5), we get 88.9%

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What distinguishes CGPA from GPA?

Both the CGPA and GPA are ways to measure the academic achievement of students. The primary distinction between CGPA and GPA is that the former is based on a single unit or test, whilst the latter is a cumulative measurement of all the subjects’ results. While going to study abroad, students must submit their CGPA score.

What is the SGPA?

A student’s entire performance for a semester is determined by their semester grade point average or SGPA. The weighted average of the grade points earned in each of the courses completed throughout the semester is a student’s semester grade point average or SGPA.

Are CGPA to percentage calculators available online dependable?

Online calculators can give you an estimate quickly, but it’s better to use the instruments or formulae your school provides for accuracy.

If there is a big difference between my converted % and CGPA, what should I do?

If there is a large disparity, it is best to speak with an academic advisor or faculty member to determine the cause of the gap and the most correct method to showcase your academic achievement.

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