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10 Test Prep Tips for SAT/ACT Takers


Are you wondering whether the SAT exam or ACT exam is a better fit for you? It could be challenging for you to figure out which test is yours with all the modifications.

We compare the main content, timing, and structure of the digital SAT and the physical ACT to help you choose better. The comparison will assist you in making an informed decision. This information will help you determine which test is the best fit for you.

Key difference between digital SAT and ACT

Preparing for exams like the SAT or ACT is crucial for international students who want to study abroad. These exams are needed to get into college in the US and to qualify for scholarships based on your achievements. This article will talk about the main differences between the SAT and ACT exams. It will also provide tips for preparing for each test.

Test Format

Digital SAT

Digital SAT uses computer resources for reading, writing, and language sections, divided into three categories for easier navigation. Since math makes up half of the SAT, students who score considerably higher in math may find that this test is more beneficial. The College Board, the organization that gives the SAT, claims that students get 67% extra time allotted to each question compared to the ACT.


There is no differences between the paper-based and digital versions of the ACT. The student only needs to specify their preference while enrolling for the exam. English, math, science, reading, and an optional writing section make up the ACT sections. Since the ACT only includes 25% math, so you can choose according to your interests.

Common preparation tips for SAT/ACT takers

  • Try out a practice test

Taking a practice exam is one of the greatest methods to learn about these two tests, how they’ll be like, and which test is perfect for you. You may discover that one test is simpler or less stressful for you than the other due to minor variations. The SAT gives you more time to answer questions, while the ACT is known for being timed and structured.

  • All you get is points

SKIP ANY QUESTION that you find challenging! You receive points for accurate responses on the SAT and ACT, and you do not lose points for inaccurate answers. If you are unsure, then don’t waste your time on difficult questions.

  • Recognize the challenge

The SAT and ACT math exam has increasingly challenging problems as you progress through the section. But keep in mind that harder problems don’t carry more points. Making sure most of the issues are done correctly is a better use of your time than attempting to solve the final, most challenging problems.

  • Familiarization

Since competitive tests are different from high school exams, it’s critical to become familiar with its format, etiquette, and style. You can better comprehend the following aspects of the SAT/ACT exam structure by taking a diagnostic test:

  1. What format do the SAT and ACT papers follow?
  2. What guidelines must I adhere to pass the exam?
  3. What kinds of inquiries are made?
  • Read carefully

Test question writers know that people may rush when they are short on time, so be cautious. Be sure you understand the question and have read it carefully.

  • Get rid of responses that are incorrect

You’ll notice that the wrong answers become more evident the more practice questions you read. Your odds of selecting or guessing the right answer increase when you rule out one or more incorrect choices.

  • Focus on improving your weakest area

While practicing questions from all sections of the test. Don’t ignore your areas of weakness. You might probably pick up a new skill that will raise your score considerably in a simple approach.

  • Invest in a study guide

Study aids are a great resource for getting ready for these exams. Make sure the guide is credible before making a purchase. Stick with the official guide if you’re unsure.

  • Practice

To improve, take a practice exam to understand your mistakes and get a starting score. Then, take it a step further. You will notice trends if you review the answers you didn’t get.

  • Don’t ignore instructions

It’s simple to overlook the directions when you try to squeeze every bit of time out of each moment. This is not what you should do; the instructions offer important information. Particularly in the reading portion, make sure you at least scan them. The directions could include details that assist you answer a question, introducing the author, or creating the setting.

How to pick the right test?

It is essential to begin administering practice exams to determine which SAT and ACT is the better choice. Only one of the two exams will likely be appropriate for you.

Students who excel in mathematics tend to choose the SAT exam, whereas those with a strong English background typically take the ACT exam. It is therefore crucial to evaluate your practice exams and select the option that you feel most comfortable with.


Our trainers at Manya- The Princeton Review monitor our student’s progress and suitability for the SAT and ACT. Our tutoring programs for the ACT and SAT help students learn test-taking techniques and strategies to boost their scores. This can increase their chances of getting accepted into competitive schools and universities. Our tutors help students improve scores and boost confidence with personalized lesson plans, leading to increased happiness and self-assurance.

So, you can contact our experts to determine the best course of action if you’re ever unsure about which test is the best fit for you! Just complete the form, and our experts will contact you to arrange a time that works for you.

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Is ACT easier than SAT?

The ACT and SAT are academic assessments used by universities to determine a student’s eligibility for admission.

How do students prepare for SAT/ACT exam?

Students take the English and math portions of the SAT exam. The SAT does not have distinct parts for science and writing.

Are Math on the ACT and SAT the same?

The SAT and ACT math curricula are essentially the same, however, some topics are assessed on the SAT and not the ACT, and vice versa.

How do I choose between the ACT and SAT?

Applicants for undergraduate admissions must select the standardized test of their choice.

Is the reading portion of the SAT easier than the ACT?

The SAT reading portion is indeed simpler than the ACT exam. Compared to the ACT, the SAT exam’s reading component features fewer comprehensions and questions.

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