IGCSE Physics
IGCSE Physics helps students in understanding the technological environment and motivates them to learn about nature and scientific developments that have occurred over the last few centuries. Students in this course learn about the fundamental theories and principles of Physics as well as conduct a variety of practical experiments.
The primary goal of the course is to provide students with a solid foundation in physics so that they can develop an interest in this subject for future studies.
Another goal of the course is to teach students that physics is the study of natural phenomena that can be understood through evidence and facts. Physics is an important academic subject, so proper assistance is required to grasp the entire concept.
Students can benefit from our IGCSE online academic tutoring by gaining appropriate learning with the guidance of our IGCSE physics tutors in gaining in-depth knowledge on the subject.
The IGCSE Physics syllabus consists of 5 topics which are:
- General Physics
- Thermal Physics
- Properties of Waves including Light and Sound
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Atomic Physics
Cambridge IGCSE Physics helps students understand their technological world and develop an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus covers the fundamental principles and concepts of the subject, as well as some current applications of physics and a strong emphasis on practical skills.
Learners also gain an understanding of the scientific skills required for advancement to Cambridge International AS and A Level, further education, or a career in science.
The Course’s Objectives
The objectives are as follows:
Provide an enjoyable and worthwhile educational experience for all learners, regardless of whether they continue their studies in science beyond this level.
Provide learners with the knowledge and understanding they need to:
– Develop an informed interest in scientific matters and become self-assured citizens in a technological world.
– Be adequately prepared for studies beyond the Cambridge IGCSE
• Enable learners to recognise that science is evidence-based and to comprehend the utility and limitations of scientific method
• Develop skills that are:
– relevant to the study and practise of biology
– useful in everyday life
– encourage a systematic approach to problem solving
– efficient and safe practise
– effective communication through scientific language
• Foster biological attitudes such as
– concern for accuracy and precision
– objectivity
– integrity
– inquiry
– initiative
– inventiveness
• Help learners understand that
– Science is subject to social, economic, technological, ethical, and cultural influences and limitations
– Science applications can be both beneficial and harmful to individuals, communities, and the environment.
Planning to Prepare for IGCSE Physics?
Assessment Objectives
1. Knowledge combined with Comprehension
Candidates must be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the following topics:
- Scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts, and theories
- Scientific vocabulary, terminology, and conventions (including symbols, quantities, and units)
- Scientific instruments and apparatus, including operation techniques and safety considerations
- Scientific and technological applications, including their social, economic, and environmental implications
2. Information management and problem solving
Candidates must be able to- in words or through other written forms of presentation (i.e. symbolic, graphical, and numerical)-
- Find, select, organise, and present information from various sources.
- Convert information from one form to another; manipulate numerical and other data; use information to identify patterns, report trends, and draw inferences;
- Present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns, and relationships; and make recommendations.
- Form hypotheses and predictions.
- Solve problems, some of which are quantitative in nature.
3. Investigative and experimental skills
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to use techniques, apparatus, and materials safely (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate)
- Plan experiments and investigations
- Make and record observations, measurements, and estimates.
- Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data.